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The Released Body Parts' Autonomy

Updated: Mar 15, 2019

The Released Body Parts’ Autonomy (RBPA), is a group of my own body parts, which released themselves from my body in crucial moments of my development as I grew up. Those Body Parts were powerful enough to keep my trauma in captivity, repressed from my Body, to be uncovered only 20 years later, throughout the platform I made, as the artwork of BODY = The New Religion (BNR). Every “Body Part” has its own character, belief system, emotions, behaviors and a whole world view.

“The Knee” was the first body part that revealed itself to me. While working on BNR, I noticed a few specific sketches appearing again and again in my notebooks and they all had a certain energy, their own “drive”, as if they had sketched themselves into existence. At some point, I understood that they are parts of myself and they are here to tell me something about my body. So I gave them different (body) names and started to speak to them. They opened a whole new path in my journey of self-discovery leading me and showing me my way to be mySelf.

By the end of 2018, the Released Body Parts’ Autonomy were finally summoned with 12 different Body Parts - Knee, Thumb, Tongue, "B", Kid, NON, ONi, GOD, # MYWAY, OpenHeart, ?, and Torn A - Part. All of the combined create what I call today "Body Shlema" which is the Whole Body that I am.

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ב - 2015 התחלתי פרויקט אמנות, יצירה שעד היום היא חלק ממני - יצירה שיוצרת את עצמה ומאפשרת לי לגלות את עצמי דרכה; גוף = הדת החדשה. הגוף הוא...


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